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  • CreditEdge - CreditEdge® is the premier tool for managing the credit risk of your portfolio of listed firms and sovereigns globally. Our platform combines an accurate PD (Probability of Default) model with cutting-edge analytics to facilitate every stage of your workflow.

    To request more information on CreditEdge, please contact [email protected]

  • Moody’s Analytics Default and Recovery Database - The Default and Recovery Database, in addition to the Default Risk Service Structured Finance (DRS-SF), Credit Transition Model (CTM) and the Credit Risk Calculator (CRC), allow you to quickly calculate customized rating transition matrices and default rates suited to your specific risk management needs.

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  • Moody’s Analytics MIR (Market Implied Ratings) - MIRs benchmark individual companies to market-wide measures in median credit spreads, removing the impact of systemic, market-wide shifts. Its early stage alerts to possible changes in entity level creditworthiness allows investors to perform additional analysis on issuers.

    To request more information on Moody’s Analytics MIR, please contact Client Services