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How the creditworthiness of Chinese banks will evolve over the next 12-18 months
September 26th 2018 07:00AM
Stephen Long and Minyan Liu
Stephen Long, global Managing Director for Moody’s Financial Institutions Group, and Minyan Liu, Associate Managing Director in the same group for Asia Pacific discuss how China’s banking system outlook will evolve over the coming 12-18 months, amid rising trade tensions and a more accommodative policy stance.
Banking System Outlook China - Steady operating environment amid balancing policies drive stable outlook
Rising trade tension and indications that deleveraging and de-risking are starting to weigh
on investment have shifted Chinese authorities' focus toward more accommodative policy
and balancing its efforts between promoting deleveraging and sustaining growth. This will result in an operating environment broadly supportive of bank credit quality and stable asset quality in the next 12-18 months. However, it also suggests that the country's exposure to high economy-wide leverage will still be slow to reduce.​