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Moody's Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) Group is the global source for credit ratings and research for ABCP programs. Moody's rates the spectrum of programs from partially and fully supported to single- and multi-seller.​
Moody's Asset-Backed Group is the global source for credit ratings and research on asset-backed securities (ABS). We have expanded our coverage from traditional asset classes, such as autos, credit cards and home equity, to innovative structures, such as music royalties and tobacco litigation settlements.
Moody's ABSROM™ is a free Excel based cash flow model that would allow you to quickly assess the expected loss of standard European ABS notes.
Moody’s Bank Research provides an informed, independent, and transparent view into the changing bank credit market.  Moody’s Insurance Research services address the needs of insurance market participants with diverse credit analysis requirements from risk management to investment management to insurance brokerage.
Exclusive House Price Forecasts based on Fiserv's Leading Case-Shiller Home Price Indexes.
CDO Data Feed provides the performance and index data behind the Moody's CDO research reports. The data undergoes a robust process of verification and is the same information used by Moody’s analysts.
Moody’s Analytics CDOEdge is a software platform that Moody's analysts use to rate and monitor cash CDOs. It includes a structuring tool, Moody's binomial model and a deal library.
CDO EMS provides comprehensive and accurate CDO data at deal, tranche and collateral level for over 2000 CDOs. EMS allows users to perform in-depth analysis of deal performance, compare performance across deals and follow rating transitions of underlying collateral to make better trading/credit decisions.
CDOnet is Moody's Analytics' robust and flexible software platform for cashflow analytics. With its industry-leading analytics, comprehensive deal library, powerful API and dedicated customer support, CDOnet allows you to improve your ability to structure, analyze and monitor CDO securities.
Moody's Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO) and Derivatives Research is the leading source fro credit ratings and research on collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), collateralized bond obligations (CBOs) and the entire structured derivatives market.
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