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For additional information about this event please contact:
Event Coordinator
Alfonso Cordon


Please note that the events shown here are for the purpose of testing trialing the Events section on the new site. If you are interested in registering for the event, please go to Events on MDC.
3rd Party3rd Party
Training SeminarTraining Seminar
  • RiskCalc Private Firm EDF Online Training

  • Tuesday, 20-Nov-2018 - Tuesday, 20-Nov-2018
  • 9 am EST - 11 am EST
  • Web Conference, UNITED STATES
This event is available in the following format(s):
In Person WebCast TeleConference
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Event Details
This 2-hour online training session via WebEx provides a practical understanding of RiskCalc, the industry-leading model and product for estimating default probability for private firms. Both the methodology behind the RiskCalc model and its application are explained in an intuitive and engaging format, allowing the audience to ask questions on specific issues. Participants learn to use RiskCalc to measure, manage, and analyze default risk of private firms through interactive exercises. There is no cost to attend, however you may need to make a toll call if Webex does not provide a toll-free number for the country from which you are calling. Dial-in details along with the toll-free numbers will be sent to the participants no sooner than one week prior to the session date. Within the United States, a toll-free number is provided.
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Event Materials :
Replay Details
If you are unable to participate in the live call, you may access the replay by clicking here:
Use of this link requires Windows Media Player. If you do not have this program installed, you may download it by clicking here: WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER.
The replay will be available two hours after the call's conclusion and will be accessible for one year.
This event is available in the following format(s):
In Person WebCast TeleConference
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I am unable to attend but would like to receive post event materials. click here