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Moody’s Talks – Infrastructure Finance Podcast

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JUNE 2021
June 15th 2021 (7.59 mins)
Ning Loh and Ralph Ng of the Project and Infrastructure Finance team discuss how infrastructure real estate investment trusts (REITs), a new financing model in China, have the potential to develop into a large investment market over the next decade. The new capital generated from REITs will support infrastructure expansion to boost China’s economic growth and provide deleveraging opportunities for infrastructure companies. ​
MAY 2021
May 6th 2021 (14.47 mins)
Raffaella Altamura, Clifford Kim and Christopher Bredholt of the Project and Infrastructure Finance team discuss the policy outlook and incentives for renewables as leading economies respond to threats from climate change. They also examine economies undergoing a green revolution and those taking a more evolutionary approach with well-developed renewable investment strategies, and explore the opportunities and risks these efforts create for investors. ​​​​
MARCH 2021
March 22nd 2021 (9.28mins)
Ning Loh, Ivy Poon and Abhishek Tyagi of the Project and Infrastructure Finance team discuss the growth prospects for Asian infrastructure companies in 2021. Economic growth, government stimulus and improved demand will drive the strengthening of most infrastructure sectors in 2021, but airport operators face a long road to recovery.​​
November 20th 2020 (5.58mins)
Mic Kang and Ning Loh from the Project and Infrastructure Finance team discuss the risks for producers from the region’s slowing power demand growth and shift away from coal power. The latter reflects government policies that favor renewables and disruptive technologies that reduce coal power’s cost-competitiveness.
August 19th 2020 (8.21mins)
David Kamran and Jairo Chung of the Infrastructure and Project Finance team discuss how worsening climate hazards will affect nuclear power plants. ​​​
December 5th 2019 (6.24mins)
Ian Lewis and Ray Tay of the Infrastructure Finance team discuss the potential impact of US-China trade tensions on the credit quality of rated ports in Asia-Pacific.​​
August 14th 2019 (6.31mins)
Ada Li and Ning Loh of the Infrastructure Finance team discuss their expectations for a slowdown in overseas infrastructure investments by Chinese companies.​
MAY 2019
May 8th 2019 (6.05mins)
In this podcast, Singapore-based Managing Director Terry Fanous and Associate Managing Director Ian Lewis discuss coal power in Asia and the challenges surrounding the transition to a low-carbon economy.​
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