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Moody's Talks - Emerging Markets Decoded
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MAY 2020
May 27th 2020 (15.49 mins)
Lucie Villa of the Sovereign team discusses a debt relief initiative for low-income countries grappling with liquidity pressures. Also, Daniela Jayesuria of the Structured Finance team offers insights on coronavirus-related debt moratoriums for individual and corporate borrowers in Latin America, one of the biggest securitization markets in emerging markets.​​​​​
MAY 2020
May 13th 2020 (14.41 mins)
Atsi Sheth of the Credit Strategy and Research team shares insights on how the coronavirus will likely push the global economy into recession this year, and why the downturn poses particular risks for emerging markets. Plus, Sean Marion of the Financial Institutions team discusses why credit risks are rising for South African banks.​​​​​
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