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Moody's Talks - Emerging Markets Decoded
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JULY 2021
July 21st (19.28 mins)
Elisa Parisi-Capone from the Sovereigns team and Peter Mushangwe from the Financial Institutions team join host Thaddeus Best to discuss how liquidity risks have risen for Sub-Saharan sovereigns with less-developed domestic capital markets, and the pandemic-induced asset quality deterioration of some of the largest regional banks. Also, Lisa Jaeger discusses one sector in the region experiencing growth: telecom companies.
JULY 2021
August 4th, 2021 (21.46 mins)
Marie Diron of the Sovereign group discusses the outlook for non-investment-grade sovereign ratings and how they fared during the pandemic. Plus, Anushka Shah, also of the Sovereign group, examines the credit implications of lagging vaccination rates in the Asia-Pacific region. ​
JULY 2021
August 18th, 2021 (15.25 mins)
Alka Anbarasu and Mik Kabeya of the Financial Institutions team discuss the mostly negative outlook for emerging market banking systems, while Rodrigo Marimon, also of the Financial Institutions team, explains how sticky deposit bases in Mexico will enable banks there to benefit from monetary tightening.
JULY 2021
July 7th 2021 (17.22 mins)
Erick Rodriguez of the Corporates team discusses how most companies and public finance projects in Latin America managed to maintain adequate liquidity levels despite the depth of their recessions. Meanwhile, Samar Maziad of the Sovereign group dives deeper into Brazil, the region’s largest economy, to answer the most frequently asked investor questions.​​​
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