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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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November 18th 2020 (19.22 mins)
Edoardo Calandro, David Fanger and Daniel Yu of the Banking team zero in on the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on bank loans in the UK, US and Australia. Plus, Shachar Gonen of the Insurance team and Keith Banhazl of the Structured Finance team look at how much the slowdown in commercial real estate will weaken US life insurers’ CMBS holdings.​​​
November 4th 2020(19.31mins)
Banks will benefit from an increased customer base as accelerated digitalization makes financial services available to unbanked populations in emerging markets. But traditional banks face competition as big tech firms impinge on payment services and central banks explore creating their own digital currencies as a defensive move. ​​​​​​​​​
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