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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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December 16th 2020 (20.21 mins)
Laura Bazer and Dominic Simpson of the Insurance team and Greg Bauer and Sophia Lee of the Banking team discuss how a fragile economic recovery, low interest rates and uncertainty about renewal of government support measures are among the drivers of negative outlooks for global banks, life insurers and reinsurers. P&C insurers will benefit in the difficult operating environment from lower auto claims, strong capital, and the mandatory nature of certain products.​​
December 2nd 2020 (19.09 mins)
Rokhaya Cisse and Marina Cremonese of the Asset Management team explore why the pandemic fallout has dimmed revenue prospects and made growth harder for asset managers. Plus, Celina Vansetti-Hutchins looks at how a difficult operating environment and elevated asset risk are driving our negative outlook for financial institutions in emerging markets.​​​​​​​​​
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