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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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August 26th 2020 (16.47 mins)
Antonello Aquino from the Insurance team explains why European insurers are giving back premiums now and might have to cover more claims later because of the pandemic (begins at 1:59).

Plus, Banking team analyst Alka Anbarasu details the government support India’s public-sector banks will need to maintain capital strength as credit costs rise in COVID-19’s wake (begins at 9:09).​​​​​​​​​
August 12th 2020 (16.35 mins)
Alessandro Roccati from the banking team explains how coronavirus-driven demand for contactless digital financial services, along with remote work, are raising the cyber threat to banks (begins at 8:21).

Plus, Steve Tu of the asset management team looks at how the latest US government intervention in money markets could signal an eventual phaseout of institutional prime funds (begins at 1:45).​​​
August 10th 2020 (1.00 mins)
Hosted by Danielle Reed of the Financial Institutions team, our new Focus on Finance podcast series brings you the insight you need to keep on top of developments within the banking, insurance and asset management sectors. From the impact of tech disrupters and cyber risk, to the ongoing effects of lower-for-longer interest rates and ESG considerations, Danielle and guests will deliver the analysis that matters.​​​​​
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