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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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September 23rd 2020 (19.41 mins)
Peter Nerby and Michael Rohr of the Banking team discuss how global systemically important banks entered the coronavirus crisis with healthier balance sheets, capital and liquidity than before the last global downturn (begins at 8:14). 

Plus, Ceres Lisboa explains how Latin American banks risk a sharp deterioration in asset quality as payment deferrals and government aid lapse (begins at 2:05).​
September 9 2020 (15.58 mins)
From our Insurance team, James Eck explains why threats to profitability turned the outlook on global reinsurers negative (begins at 1:20), and Laura Bazer tells us how the coronavirus shock jolted global life insurers into a new, more digital future (begins at 7:04).​​​​​​​​
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