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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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December 15th 2021 (18.39 mins)
Banking analysts Michael Rohr and Donald Robertson explain how our outlook has improved for banks worldwide. Plus, Banking team analyst Svetlana Pavlova discusses how demographic trends in emerging markets are driving a divergence in banks’ growth and profitability prospects.
December 1st 2021 (17.54 mins)
Dominic Simpson and Neal Epstein of the Asset Management team discuss prospects for global asset managers in 2022, as the global economic recovery and demand for alternative and ESG investments drive industry growth. Meanwhile, Ceres Lisboa, Ashraf Madani and Eugene Tarzimanov  of the Banking team explore how emerging markets banks will benefit from G20 economies’ recovery, strong global demand for commodities and a rise in interest rates.​
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