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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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February 24th 2021 (19.49 mins)
Donald Robertson and Fadi Massih of the Securities and Exchanges team size up the implications that the recent social media-powered short squeeze has for US retail brokers, market makers, clearinghouses and exchanges (begins at 12:04). Plus, Swen Metzler spotlights German banks’ pressing need to rein in costs, and Alka Anbarasu tells us which Indian banks will win the race to go digital (begins at 3:01).
February 10th 2021 (19.59 mins)
A dwindling number of workers in developed economies will support a growing share of retirees, and growth and profitability are declining for banks, insurers and asset managers. Young Kim of the Insurance team and Tomoya Suzuki of the Banking team examine how South Korea’s insurers and Japan’s regional banks are turning demographics into opportunities (begins at 2:35), while Dean Ungar of the Asset Management team zeroes in on US asset managers’ future (begins at 11:35).​
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