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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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MARCH 2021
March 31st 2021 (10.56 mins)
In a special episode of our Focus on Finance podcast series, Stephen Long, Louise Lundberg and Eugene Tarzimanov of the Banking team join host Carolyn Henson to discuss the prospects for banks around the globe as government economic support measures start to unwind and banks brace for a substantial rise in loan defaults. Many economies are set to rebound this year but banks must factor in continuing uncertainty over the future course of the pandemic.
MARCH 2021
March 24th 2021 (17.14 mins)
With cyber risk on the rise, Lesley Ritter of the Cyber Risk team and Megan Fox, Michael Dion and Rokhaya Cisse of the Financial Institutions team discuss our survey and findings on banks’, insurers’ and asset managers’ preparedness for a cyberattack.​​
MARCH 2021
March 10th 2021 (19.52 mins)
Brandan Holmes of the Insurance team and James Leaton of the ESG team discuss why global regulators are zeroing in on financial sector climate risks. Plus, the Asset Management team’s Steve Tu talks about how and why US ESG investments are surging in popularity, and Francisco Uriostegui discusses the benefits and challenges for Mexican pension funds of incorporating ESG screening into investment decisions.​​​​
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