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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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MAY 2021
May 19th 2021 (19.46 mins)
Vanessa Robert and Marina Cremonese of the Funds and Asset Management team discuss new money market fund regulations proposed in the US and EU after a material flight to quality shook short-term credit markets last year. Plus, Svetlana Pavolva of the Banking team explains the significant social risks facing banks in Commonwealth of Independent States countries.
MAY 2021
May 5th 2021 (16.18 mins)
Gersan Zurita of the Credit Strategy and Research team and Semyon Isakov of the Banking team discuss rising inflation in some key emerging markets. Plus, Felipe Carvallo and Mik Kabeya of the Banking team talk about slipping government support for banks in economies that are heavily dependent on oil.​
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