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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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September 22nd 2021 (20.15 mins)
Stephen Tu, Melina Skouridou and Farooq Khan explain how four forces reshaping finance will likely reduce banks’ revenue from core activities and undermine their role as financial intermediaries. Plus, Alka Anbarasu explains why India’s banks will weather the stress from a COVID-19 resurgence, and Jasper Cooper gives an update on insured hurricane losses in the US.​​
September 15th 2021 (9.07 mins)
Analyst Fadi Massih discusses the credit strengths and weaknesses of the crypto asset exchange.
September 8th 2021 (19.04mins)
The insurance group’s Helena Kingsley-Tomkins explains what’s driving the global reinsurance outlook shift to stable from negative. Plus, Young Kim tells us how evolving technology and rising fintech competition are transforming Korea’s insurance business.​​
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