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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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January 26th 2022 (21.02 mins)
Helena Kingsley-Tomkins and Paulette Truman of the Insurance team discuss how tech is transforming the insurance business, from connected devices that help prevent injuries and accidents to auto manufacturers entering insurance distribution. Plus, Sonny Hsu of the Banking team discusses the results of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s first climate stress test of banks, and Jasper Cooper of the Insurance team talks about the scope of insured losses from the recent Marshall wildfire in Colorado. ​​
January 12th 2022 (18.57 mins)
Frank Yuen and Laura Bazer explain why the outlook for life insurers worldwide is less bleak than it was a year ago. Plus, Bruce Ballentine and Benjamin Serra discuss the strengths that help insulate global property and casualty (P&C) insurers from higher claims as economies reopen.​
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