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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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February 23rd 2022 (16:42 mins)
Analysts Megan Fox, Rokhaya Cisse and Mike Dion discuss cyber threats past and present, and steps regulators are taking to make sure financial institutions are prepared. Plus, Petr Paklin of the Banking team talks about the prospects for fast-growing all-digital banks, from market share to profits.
February 16th 2022 (12:54 mins)
Moody’s banking analysts Constantinos Kypreos and Mik Kabeya join host Carolyn Henson to discuss prospects for banks in Africa’s five largest banking sectors after two difficult years.
February 9th 2022 (15.32 mins)
​​Lev Dorf of the Banking team looks at why high use of dollars in many emerging markets poses rising risks for the country’s banks and where those risks are highest. Plus, Stephen Tu of the Financial Institutions group analyzes the Federal Reserve’s recent report and request for comment on the potential benefits of a US central bank digital currency.​​
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