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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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APRIL 2022
April 27th 2022 (18.19 mins)
Analysts Olivier Panis, Bernhard Held and Antonello Aquino from the Financial Institutions team discuss the implications of a prolonged military conflict in Ukraine for banks and insurance companies, while Insurance analyst Laura Bazer focuses on the effects of long COVID claims on life insurers globally.
APRIL 2022
April 20th 2022 (10.50 mins)
Banking analysts Louise Welin, Rita Sahu, Eugene Tarzimanov and Felipe Carvallo explain how global macroeconomic and geopolitical forces have shaped the outlooks for 32 of the world’s biggest banking systems, as the military conflict in Ukraine slows the global economy’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.​
APRIL 2022
April 6th 2022 (21.41 mins)
Felipe Carvallo of the Banking team explains how pension reform plans of Chile’s new young president could shake up banking and asset management. Plus, Banking team analyst Fadi Massih talks about how cryptocurrency is traceable, and what upcoming regulation means for cryptocurrency exchanges and other digital asset platforms.​
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