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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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JUNE 2022
June 29th 2022 (23.12 mins)
Yulia Wan and Sean Hung discuss the implications for financial institutions of China's policy focus on financial stability. Plus, Eugene Tarzimanov and Yaroslav Sovgyra discuss how inflation will affect banks in emerging economies.
JUNE 2022
June 22nd 2022 (23.12 mins)
Neal Epstein explains how comparatively strong credit performance and returns draw asset managers to private credit despite high borrower leverage. Warren Kornfeld and Clay Montgomery cover the growing role of non-banks, including BDCs, in the space.
JUNE 2022
June 15th, 2022 (15:42 mins)
Rajeev Bamra explains why crypto markets are unlikely to allow mass sanctions evasion. Plus, Sarah Hibler explains why Russia’s invasion of Ukraine adds to uncertainty for cyber insurers in an already difficult operating environment.
JUNE 2022
June 1st 2022 (13 mins)
Tom Aaron of the Public Finance team and Shachar Gonen of the Insurance team explore the reasons public pension funds and insurance companies have found private equity and private credit such compelling investments, and why public pension funds face higher risk than insurers from these assets.
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