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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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October 5th 2022 (20.14 mins)
Louise Welin and Maria Gillholm discuss difficulties ahead for Swedish mortgage borrowers and real estate companies, and implications for banks. Also, new business is slowing for US mortgage insurers.
September 28th 2022 (27.13 mins)
Rajeev Bamra and Sadia Nabi discuss regulation of global cryptoassets and stablecoins in the US. Also: a proposal to clear certain Treasurys trades, and banks' risks from conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.
September 21st 2022 (13.52 mins)
C.J. Wong explains the forces behind Vietnamese banks’ credit strength, and Rebecca Tan discusses inflation's impact on banks in six member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
September 14th 2022 (17.27 mins)
Badis Shubailat and Tengfu Li discuss how high commodity prices are supporting the recovery of Islamic banks, and Alexandra Aspioti explains why GCC fund managers are optimistic.
September 7th 2022 (19.15 mins)
Helena Kingsley-Tomkins explains why the outlook for global reinsurance is stable, despite higher natural catastrophe losses, and James Eck discusses the prospects for alternative capital.
August 24th 2022 (16.38 mins)
Bernhard Held and Petter Bryman discuss the implications for certain European banking systems of a reduction in Russian energy supply, and Alessandro Roccati discusses recent credit developments at Credit Suisse following large losses.
JULY 2022
July 27th 2022 (15.32 mins)
Fabio Iannò explains why European banks will benefit from the ECB's recent increase in key interest rates, and Felipe Carvallo discusses how the sale of certain Citibanamex business operations will alter Mexico’s banking sector.​
JULY 2022
July 13th 2022 (17.34 mins)
Stephen Tu explains why Apple’s new Pay Later initiative may have important implications for financial institutions; Saranga Ranasinghe and Frank Mirenzi tell us about future growth in and risks to Australia’s pension (“superannuation”) sector.
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