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Moody’s Talks – Outlook Connections Podcast

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December 14, 2021 (17.21 mins)
Ranjini Venkatesan and Jacintha Poh of the Corporates team and Andrew Blease of the Infrastructure Finance team discuss remote work, office space, business travel and commuting in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Americas in light of the pandemic.​
December 13th 2021 (17.15 mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks – Outlook Connections, Anushka Shah from the Sovereign team and Daniel Harlid and Christina Boni from the Corporates team join host Natasha Brereton-Fukui to discuss how the supply chain weaknesses exposed by the pandemic will influence the credit outlook for governments and businesses in 2022 and beyond.​​
December 8, 2021 (20.43 mins)
Warren Kornfeld from the Banking team, Rachael McDonald from Public Finance, Kelly Chen and Natalia Gluschuk from Corporates and Barbara Rismondo from Structured Finance discuss the outlook for sectors exposed to the US, European and Chinese housing markets in the year ahead. ​
December 3, 2021 (13.21mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks – Outlook Connections, Christina Padgett of our Corporates team and Ramon Torres of our Structured Finance team join host Aaron Johnson to discuss recent leveraged loan and collateralized loan obligation (CLO) trends and what we expect for 2022.
November 8th 2021 (16.18 mins)
Colin Ellis of the Credit Strategy & Research team and Anne Van Praagh of the Sovereign team discuss the outlook for the global economy and sovereign credit in 2022 as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic ebb. They also outline the growing importance of social risks, particularly income inequality, for countries across the globe. ​
November 4, 2021 (13:32 mins)
Elena Duggar, Moody’s Investors Service’s chief credit officer for the Americas, and Gersan Zurita, credit officer for Latin America, explain why we expect global credit conditions to settle in 2022, and discuss the six key themes – from pandemic disruption to inequality and social risk – that we think will influence credit markets next year. ​​​
October 13th 2021 (16.18 mins)
Colin Ellis of the Credit Strategy & Research team and Anne Van Praagh of the Sovereign team discuss the outlook for the global economy and sovereign credit in 2022 as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic ebb. They also outline the growing importance of social risks, particularly income inequality, for countries across the globe. ​
December 16th 2020 (19.27 mins)
Barbara Rismondo of the Structured Finance team, Warren Kornfeld of the Banking team, Florence Zeman of the Public Finance team and Natalia Gluschuk of the Corporates team discuss the 2021 outlook for sectors exposed to the US and European housing markets. US nonbank mortgage lenders and homebuilders will report good profitability owing to government stimulus, while US housing finance agencies and European and US residential mortgage-backed securitizations will experience moderately higher delinquencies amid higher unemployment.​
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