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Moody’s Talks – Outlook Connections Podcast

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December 16th 2020 (19.27 mins)
Barbara Rismondo of the Structured Finance team, Warren Kornfeld of the Banking team, Florence Zeman of the Public Finance team and Natalia Gluschuk of the Corporates team discuss the 2021 outlook for sectors exposed to the US and European housing markets. US nonbank mortgage lenders and homebuilders will report good profitability owing to government stimulus, while US housing finance agencies and European and US residential mortgage-backed securitizations will experience moderately higher delinquencies amid higher unemployment.​
December 15th 2020 (17.41 mins)
With a vaccine unlikely to be widely available for several months, Moody’s public finance analyst Valentina Gomez, airports analyst Earl Heffintrayer, mass transit analyst Baye Larsen, airlines analyst Jonathan Root and lodgings industry analyst Peter Trombetta discuss the outlook for travel and tourism in 2021 and consider what it will take to get travellers back on the road and in the air.​
December 11th 2020 (27.33 mins)
Kendra Smith, Tim Blake and Leonard Jones of the Public Finance team discuss the prospects in 2021 for US states, local governments, universities and not-for-profit hospitals. A strong economic rebound accompanied by a successful coronavirus vaccine rollout would boost tax revenues, while encouraging students to return to campus, and allowing hospitals to carry out more profitable elective surgeries. An uneven recovery may force some states and local governments to cut spending further, particularly those dependent on tourism and energy.
December 10th 2020 (16:17 mins)
Gene Fang from the Sovereign team, Yubin Fu from Sub-Sovereign team and Nicholas Zhu from the Banking team discuss the credit outlook across a number of Chinese sectors in 2021, including regional and local governments. They outline that risks that are emerging as the government withdraws pandemic-related support and refocuses on deleveraging, but that despite rising defaults China will be able to mitigate any economic volatility. ​​
December 8th 2020 (19.32 mins)
Elena Nadtotchi and Matthias Heck of the Corporates team and Nana Hamilton of the Infrastructure team explore the outlook for global oil and gas producers, global auto makers, US regulated power utilities, and European unregulated utilities. The oil and gas and auto industries’ capital spending will come under pressure following a coronavirus-induced drop in revenues during 2020, although companies continue to invest in carbon transition. Utilities’ capital spending will remain robust because the pandemic has had less impact on them.​
December 3rd 2020 (19.51 mins)
Analysts Mickey Chadha and Kevin Fagan discuss the outlook for US retail and the credit conditions for the US commercial mortgage-backed securities market in 2021. They outline how the coronavirus pandemic is rapidly accelerating digitization, which is increasingly dividing retailers into digital-haves and have-nots, reshaping mall design and determining which retail tenants are attractive to the market.​​​
November 2nd 2020 (13.40 mins)
Christina Padgett and Sandra Veseli of the Corporates team, Al Remeza of the Structured Finance team, and Ana Arsov of the Financial Institutions team discuss the outlook for leveraged finance and collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) in the US and EMEA. Coronavirus-related defaults will likely peak in 2021, but banks’ exposure is limited. Lower-rated loans to coronavirus-exposed sectors will be worst affected, with a knock-on effect on the junior tranches of existing CLOs in 2021.​
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