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Moody’s Talks – Securitization Spotlight Podcast
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February 25th 2021 (15.33 mins)
In this month’s featured segment, Yehudah Forster of the Residential Mortgage-backed Securities team breaks down potential changes to the qualified mortgage rules, and what they mean for the credit quality of future RMBS (begins at 4:57). Plus, Aaron Johnson and Xhen Pisha draw on our 2021 outlooks to highlight the structured finance asset classes on the bumpiest roads as the economy recovers from a tumultuous 2020.
February 22nd 2021
Hosted by Aaron Johnson and Xhensila Pisha of the Structured Finance team, our new Securitization Spotlight podcast series brings you the insight you need to keep on top of corporate and consumer debt securitization markets. From the impact of an evolving regulatory landscape and the ongoing recovery from the pandemic, to the ongoing effects of lower-for-longer interest rates and investors’ growing focus on ESG considerations, Aaron, Xhen and their guests will deliver the analysis that matters.​​
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