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Moody’s Talks – Bank Credit Podcast

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MAY 2019
May 22nd 2019 (9.30mins)
In this episode of Moody's Talks, Mathias Kuelpmann (SVP - Banking), Carolyn Henson (VP Senior Research Writer - Financial Institutions), and Christopher Bredholt (VP Senior Credit Officer - Infrastructure and Project Finance) discuss European banks' exposure to renewable energy projects.​​
MAY 2019
May 1st 2019 (5.57mins)
In this episode of Moody’s bank credit podcast, Ana Arsov, Managing Director for Global Investment Banks (GIBs), and David Fanger, Senior Vice President and lead analyst for several US GIBs, discuss the implications of Moody’s hypothetical severe stress test of the GIBs’ potential direct exposures to leveraged lending. They explain that most GIBs have reduced their leveraged lending exposures and improved risk management of those exposures compared with before the global financial crisis. As a result, the group is broadly resilient to Moody’s stress scenario. But Ana and David also highlight that the impact is generally greater for those GIBs who are less profitable and that certain GIBs appear more heavily reliant on leveraged lending and so more vulnerable to losses under stress.​​​​​​
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