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Moody’s Talks – Bank Credit Podcast

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August 3rd 2020 (5.25mins)
Jun Yang and Rebaca Tan of the Financial Institutions team discuss how low interest rates and demographic changes, combined with the fallout from coronavirus outbreak, will weaken the profit outlook for at Asia-Pacific banks.
JUNE 2020
June 30th 2020 (8.14 mins)
Nondas Nicolaides and Simon Ainsworth from the Financial Institutions team discuss the benign operating environment and reduced loan growth facing Swedish banks, amid preserving margins and earnings.​
JUNE 2020
June 15, 2020 (8.33 mins)
Peter Nerby, David Fanger and Michael Porta of the US Financial Institutions team discuss what first quarter results from Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley tell us about the initial effects of the pandemic on their balance sheets and capital.
JUNE 2020
June 10th 2020 (06.06 mins)
Sean Marion and Louise Lundberg of the Financial Institutions team discuss the five key factors that make banks more or less vulnerable to persistently low interest rates and flattening yield curves.
JUNE 2020
June 4, 2020 (6.43 mins)
The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated existing disruptive trends and is causing a rethink of conventional habits, a reshaping of consumer preferences and a shift in competitive dynamics. Stephen Tu and Carolyn Henson of the Financial Institutions team discuss the potential longer-term impact on the financial services industry.​​​
APRIL 2020
April 8th 2020 (5.45 mins)
​Sean Marion and Nitish Bhojnagarwala from the Financial Institutions team discuss the key drivers behind our decision to change the outlook on five GCC banking systems to negative from stable. 
MARCH 2020
March 13th 2020 (5.20mins)
Carola Schuler and Myles Neligan from the European banking team discuss how the increase reflects investors' increased use of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria to select portfolio assets, as well as banks' growing role in financing the transition to a low-carbon economy.​​
January 24, 2020 (6.24mins)
Andrea Usai and Megan Fox of the North America Banking team discuss some of the unique business characteristics and credit drivers of US community banks. The sector has more than 4,800 deposit-funded institutions, providing loans to local small businesses that may not meet the requirements set by larger banks.​​
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