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Moody’s Talks – Corporate Finance Podcast
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MAY 2020
May 29, 2020 (6.39 mins)
David Keisman and Julia Chursin discuss why US corporate defaults during the pandemic are likely to produce bigger losses for investors. Erosion in credit quality, structure and covenants will suggest worse debt recoveries for first-lien bank debt in particular. Meanwhile, the prevalence of distressed debt exchanges will not be sufficient to stave off subsequent defaults if the downturn’s duration is protracted.​​
MAY 2020
May 14th 2020 (8.46 mins)
Matthias Hellstern, Falk Frey and Bruce Clark of the Corporates team discuss their revised projections for global auto sales.​​
MAY 2020
May 7th 2020 (4.22mins)
​Franco Leung and Kaven Tsang from the Corporates team discuss credit trends for rated Chinese property developers and their ability to weather macroeconomic challenges this and next year.​​
MAY 2020
May 5, 2020 (7.33 mins)
Mickey Chadha from the Corporates team and Suzanne Miller from Ratings and Research talk about how the coronavirus crisis is causing severe dislocation in the US retail industry and how this is driving retail’s speculative-grade default rate forecast higher. ​​​
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