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Moody’s Talks – Corporate Finance Podcast
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JULY 2021
July 29th 2021 (12.12 mins)
Leroy Terrelonge of the Cyber Risk Group and Matthew Jones from the Corporates team discuss the results of our survey of cyber risk among telecom, media and technology companies. Cybersecurity is critical for the functioning of these companies, which employ advanced techniques to combat hacking and other cyber threats.​​
JULY 2021
July 5th 2021 (7.16 mins)
Patrick Winsbury and Matthew Moore of the Corporate Finance team explain how the lack of social license to operate, or SLO, that addresses the concerns of indigenous communities, can raise credit risks for companies or projects in Australia’s mining sector.​​
February 26th 2021 (7.40mins)
Mihoko Manabe and Motoki Yanase of the Corporates team in Tokyo examine the opportunities and risks that rising demand for electric-vehicle batteries will bring to the four manufacturers we rate.
October 6, 2020 (8.45 mins)
Raj Joshi and Rick Lane of the Corporates team discuss how the coronavirus pandemic is accelerating the adoption of technology by businesses and consumers. As global macroeconomic conditions improve, these shifts will be credit positive for cloud infrastructure services, cloud-based software, semiconductor, IT services and the financial technology subsectors.
September 25, 2020 (8.40 mins)
Marianna Waltz of the Corporates team talks with analysts Carolina Chimenti and Alonso Sanchez about differences in Latin American corporate credit quality in 2021, after the worst effects of the pandemic have eased.
September 18, 2020 (6.03 mins)
Matthias Heck and Anke Rindermann of the Corporate Finance team discuss how the coronavirus pandemic will reshape the auto industry in the years ahead. ​​
August 25, 2020 (10.45 mins)
Steve Wood and Elena Nadtotchi from the Corporates team discuss the future of the oil and gas industry in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.​
August 25, 2020 (7.18 mins)
Earl Heffintrayer of the Project Infrastructure and Finance team, Valentina Gomez of the US Public Finance team and Peter Trombetta of the corporate finance team discuss how leisure travel will lead the way for travel and tourism-dependent sectors’ recovery after COVID. Long-haul, international and business travel will lag the return to pre-COVID levels.​
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