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Moody’s Talks – Global Credit Podcast

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November 25, 2019 (6.55mins)
David Rogovic and William Foster of the Sovereign team discuss the credit implications of rising cyber risks on governments’ credit profiles. Governments are vulnerable to attack from multiple types of cybercriminals, while increased use of technology in providing government services has created more potential entry points for an attack.
November 20th 2019 (5.02mins)
Martin Petch and Natasha Brereton-Fukui from the Sovereign team discuss how the credit implications of a structural current account deficit will depend on both its size and how it is financed over the next decade. However, on balance, China’s government is well positioned to deal with the challenges it faces ahead.​​
November 19, 2019 (10.01mins)
Robard Williams and Rebecca Karnovitz of the Credit Strategy & Research team discuss proposals that would expand access and affordability of health insurance in the US. The proposals, if enacted, would be positive for household consumption and many consumer-facing sectors but be negative for the healthcare sector and would increase fiscal risks for the US sovereign. ​​
November 13th 2019(6.56 mins)
Vincent Allilaire and Antonio Tena from the Credit Strategy & Standards and Structured Finance teams discuss the dynamics of an ageing population in the UK and the fiscal/economic challenges it creates in the long run. ​​​​​
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