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Moody’s Talks – Insurance Credit Podcast

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JUNE 2020
June 11th 2020 (7.55 mins)
Manoj Jethani and Danielle Reed of the Insurance team discuss the risks US life insurers will face in a post pandemic downturn, given significant underlying holdings  in of lodging, retail and other commercial mortgage loans.​​
JUNE 2020
June 9, 2020 (8.44 mins)
James Eck, Bob Garofalo and Danielle Reed of the Insurance team discuss immediate and longer-term effects on US mortgage insurers of the coronavirus-driven economic shock.​
APRIL 2020
April 28, 2020 (10.04 mins)
Danielle Reed and Dean Ungar of the Financial Institutions team talk about how coronavirus costs will affect US health insurers. In the most likely scenarios, rated issuers will remain profitable, which supports our stable outlook on the sector.​
December 10th 2019(8.25mins)
Dominic Simpson from the Insurance team explains how a changing product mix, relatively conservative investment portfolios and solid regulatory capital can offset the effects of low interest rates on both profitability and economic solvency. ​
October 2, 2019 (6.43mins)
Danielle Reed and Manoj Jethani from the Financial Institutions team discuss what ratings downgrades in life insurers’ fixed income portfolios could mean for the companies’ capital strength.​​
JULY 2019
July 26th 2019 (5.24mins)
Danielle Reed and Bob Garofalo of the Financial Institutions team talk about the drivers and credit implications of M&A in the US life insurance sector.​​
JUNE 2019
June 21st 2019 (6.45mins)
In this installment of the Insurance group’s “Insurance Investments Deep Dive” series, Danielle Reed, research writer for the Financial Institutions Group, talks with Vice President and Senior Credit Officer Shachar Gonen about US life and P&C insurers’ growing exposure to CLOs.​​
APRIL 2019
April 24th 2019 (9.29mins)
In this podcast, Hong Kong-based Associate Managing Director Sally Yim, Vice President – Senior Analyst Frank Yuen and Vice President – Senior Analyst Soichiro Makimoto discuss how the insurance solvency systems in China and Japan stack up against the European benchmark known as Solvency II, and how the similarities and differences affect credit analysis of Chinese and Japanese insurers. ​​
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