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Moody’s Talks – Sovereign Credit Podcast

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JUNE 2021
June 21st 2021 (11.11 mins)
Bill Foster and David Rogovic of the Sovereign group discuss rising cybersecurity threats facing sovereigns and share the results of a recent cyber risk survey sent out to sovereign issuers globally.
JUNE 2020
June 23rd 2020 (8.05mins)
Marie Diron from the Sovereign team and Research Writer Natasha Brereton-Fukui discuss the vulnerability of sovereigns that do not reduce debt to GDP after the coronavirus pandemic eases. Sustained higher debt burdens would increase the risk exposure of sovereigns with weaker credit quality to future economic or financial shocks. ​​
JUNE 2019
June 19th 2019 (6.38mins)
In this episode of Moody's Talks, Associate Managing Director Gene Fang and Assistant Vice President Christian Fang, both of the Sovereign Risk Group, discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on government credit quality. While the technology has the potential to support sovereign creditworthiness over time, it could also raise political and social costs, and institutional challenges.​
JUNE 2019
June 19th 2019 (5.13mins)
In this edition of Moody’s Talks, Associate Managing Director Mauro Leos and Vice President Gabriel Torres of the Sovereign Risk Group discuss the credit implications of long-standing and in some cases rising income inequality. While income inequality is not a differentiating factor of ratings across all sovereigns, for some, rising income inequality exacerbates broader credit challenges stemming from wide-ranging social tensions and political risk, weakening growth and weak or weakening institutions.​​​​​​​
JUNE 2019
June 14th 2019 (11 mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks, Mathias Kuelpmann, SVP in the Financial Institutions Group, and Heiko Peters, AVP-Analyst in the Sovereign Risk Group, discuss the credit impact of rapid population ageing in Germany. Rising pension costs and other expenses related to changing demographics will weigh on the country’s growth and be credit negative for Germany’s economic and fiscal strength in the coming decades. However, we believe Germany is well positioned to withstand those challenges, thanks to its strong current fiscal position, high and stable household savings and low private leverage. Furthermore, the demographic changes will also bring opportunities for some financial and non-financial companies as they respond to the changing needs of the population.​
MAY 2019
May 3rd 2019 (7.39mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks - Senior Credit Officer William Foster and Senior Analyst David Rogovic of the sovereign risk group discuss the credit implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on sovereigns in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. ​
August 20th 2018 (7.32 mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks sovereign credit podcast, Marie Diron, Managing Director for the Sovereign Risk Group for Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, and Christian de Guzman​, VP-Senior Credit Officer​ in the Sovereign Risk Group, discuss how carbon transition will likely impact the sovereign credit profiles of hydrocarbon exporting sovereigns around the world.​​​​
JULY 2018
July 17th 2018 (6:43mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks Sovereign Credit, Mauro Leos, Associate Managing Director in the Sovereign Risk Group, and Gabriel Torres, Vice President – Senior Credit Officer in the Sovereign Risk Group, discuss why environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are important and how they impact Moody’s sovereign credit assessments.

They explain that although ESG is often spoken of as a single category it actually includes quite distinct types of risks. And ESG risks are captured in a variety of ways in our credit assessments, some more directly than others. Environmental considerations, such as climate change that impacts small island economies, shows up indirectly in our assessments of nation’s economic strength. That also applies to social risks, including demographic changes that can lead to higher health care spending. In contrast, governance is more directly captured in our assessments of institutional capacity and effectiveness.
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