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Moody’s Talks – US Public Finance Podcast

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January 26, 2021 (8.02 mins)
Gail Sussman and Eva Bogaty of the US Public Finance team discuss the new methodology for rating US K-12 public school districts. The new methodology has led to about 640 issuers being placed on review, slightly less than 20% of US K-12 districts we rate. ​
September 4th 2020 (11.09 mins)
Susan Fitzgerald and Michael Osborn of the US Public Finance team discuss the financial difficulties US universities face as the coronavirus crisis hurts multiple revenue streams. The pandemic, however, will accelerate sector changes, most prominently universities bolstering online learning capabilities.
JULY 2020
July 16, 2020 (10.09 mins)
Genevieve Nolan of the US Public Finance team and Al Medioli of Rating and Process Oversight discuss potential defaults driven by COVID-19 and key developments in Puerto Rico’s efforts to settle with creditors after years of defaults.​​​​​​
JUNE 2020
June 22, 2020 (6.19 mins)
Gail Sussman and Rachel Cortez of the US Public Finance team address the proposed methodology, which speaks to the distinct credit factors of K-12 school districts. The proposal is now in a request-for-comment period.​​
December 10, 2019 (6.32 mins)
Orlie Prince and Nicole Serrano from the US local government team discuss how most of the country’s 25 biggest cities are adequately prepared for a recession after using the 10-year economic expansion since the last downturn to strengthen their finances while curbing rises in leverage and fixed costs. ​​
December 9, 2019 (6 mins)
Lisa Goldstein and Dan Steingart from the US Public Finance team discuss the change in outlook for the not-for-profit healthcare sector to stable from negative. Stronger revenue growth, largely owing to Medicare reimbursement increases, supports the improved conditions in the sector.​​
November 11, 2019 (7.02mins)
Susan Fitzgerald and Patrick McCabe from the US Public Finance team discuss the results of Moody’s latest annual tuition survey, which shows continued softening in net tuition revenue growth for both public and private universities. The trend reflects challenges in enrollment and pricing.​​
November 4, 2019 (5.49mins)
Nick Samuels and Emily Raimes from the US Public Finance team discuss Puerto Rico’s difficult road to recovery despite its debt restructuring. Challenges include negative demographic and economic trends, a Medicaid funding cliff and uncertainty surrounding the federal oversight board’s proposed reform measures. ​​
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