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Moody’s Talks – Sub-Sovereign Credit Podcast

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MARCH 2019
March 7th 2019 (3.45 mins)
In this edition of Moody’s Talks… Analyst Edward Demetry and Vice President Jennifer Wong in the Sub-Sovereign Risk Group discuss the credit implications of Chinese RLGs’ weakening finances and persistent funding shortfalls.​
MARCH 2019
March 6th 2019 (8.32mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks, Vice President and Senior Analyst Alonso Sanchez Rosario and AVP-Analyst Sandra Beltran, both in the Corporate Finance Group, and Matthew Walter, an AVP-Analyst in the Sub-Sovereign Group, discuss credit challenges stemming from Mexico’s increasing rates of violence, which have been caused primarily by conflicts among drug trafficking organizations as well as clashes with police and the military. In instances where violence weakens state and municipal economic activity, this can create negative spillovers for public finances such as falling tax revenues. In the corporate sector, increasing insecurity, robbery and travel warnings hurt Mexican companies’ top lines and profitability, and will particularly weaken revenue and margins. ​
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