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  • 24 Apr 2024
    • Tokenization is bridging traditional and digital finance
      Anthony Moro, CEO of Provenance Blockchain Foundation, joins us to talk about the technology and infrastructure developments shaping the future of financial asset tokenization.  Full Report​​​​​​​​​​​
    • Regulated secondary market platforms for digital green finance exist – in Asia
      Regulated digital asset platforms support tokenized securities markets and green finance initiatives in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore – outpacing the US and most of Europe.  Full Report​​​​​​​​​
  • 23 Apr 2024
    • Energy – Global: Outlook stable as curtailed supply upholds oil prices and elevated industry earnings
      The stable outlook for the global energy industry reflects our expectation for growth in demand tapering to its long-term trend, with fundamental conditions favoring oil producers into 2025.  Full Report
Press release coverage on rating actions that Moody's has taken on issuers.
Our rating methodologies describe the analytical framework rating committees use to assign ratings.  As set forth in the methodologies, they are not intended to present an exhaustive treatment of all factors reflected in our ratings.  Rather, they describe the key qualitative and quantitative considerations that are usually most important for assessing credit risk in a given sector.  Each rating committee applies its own judgment in determining whether or how to emphasize rating factors.

Although most of our methodologies apply to a particular industry, sector or class of issuers or transactions, some describe our approach to analytical considerations that aren’t specific to any single sector.  These cross-sector methodologies cover general credit-related topics and are typically used in conjunction with sector-specific methodologies to assign ratings.

The Methodology Development Group (MDG) develops and the Methodology Review Group (MRG) reviews and approves our methodologies for all rating groups, including sovereign, financial institutions, structured finance, corporate finance, and public, project and infrastructure finance.​​
Analysis on credit risk, ratings, and current events via Industry Outlooks, Special Reports, and other research types. ​
Browse research by business line or area of interest.
Browse research by type such as industry oriented research, default and recovery, issuer research, news about ratings, credit strategies, etc.   
Browse research by region.  Moody’s research covers regions throughout the world:  Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America, etc.  
Browse research by political or economic group such as OECD, APEC, CIS, GCC, ASEAN, MERCOSUR, European Union and Eurozone member states and Emerging Markets.