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Piyasa Segmenti

Research and analysis on public companies and their debt instruments.

The Funds & Asset Management Group is responsible for Moody's ratings of asset managers, money market funds, fixed-income funds (bond funds and exchange-traded funds), preferred shares and debt issued by closed-end funds, and other alternative investments.​​​
Research and analysis on 90% of public debt issued by state and local governments, hospitals, higher education institutions and other tax-exempt entities. 
Research on sovereign nations, sovereign-related agencies, and supranational institutions.
Coverage of asset classes ranging from the traditional, such as mortgages, autos and credit cards, to evolving classes, such as intellectual property and collateralized debt obligations. 
Credit ratings, research and analysis on regional and local governments as well as on a wide array of public-sector entities with specialized mandates in both the developed and emerging markets, including mass transportation, health care, water systems, social housing, higher education, and charity trusts.
Credit ratings and analysis on banks and securities firms, insurance, real estate and non-bank finance companies.
Moody's Global Infrastructure Finance Group combines the expertise of a global team of analysts with extensive backgrounds in Public Finance, Corporate Finance, and Structured Finance to rate debt issued by both public and private infrastructure and project finance issuers and electric, gas and water utilities. This includes project finance entities that are limited to a special purpose by law, regulation, or contracts; infrastructure projects and enterprises financed in the U.S. tax-exempt market; and all corporate infrastructure and utility companies. Our approach allows market participants to benefit from a globally consistent and transparent methodological approach to assessing credit risk across the entire asset class.