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Moody's Talks - Emerging Markets Decoded
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September 9th 2022 (17.40 mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks – Emerging Markets Decoded, Madhavi Bokil of the Credit Strategy and Research team joins host Shirin Mohammadi to discuss the latest update to Moody’s global macroeconomic outlook, with a focus on G20 emerging markets. Plus, Kathrin Muehlbronner and Gabriel Torres of the Sovereign team do a deep dive into Turkiye and Argentina – two of the largest emerging markets facing extraordinarily high levels of inflation. ​​
August 31st 2022 (21.44 mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks - Emerging Markets Decoded, Thaddeus Best of the Global Emerging Markets team and Anushka Shah of the Sovereign team join host Ariane Ortiz-Bollin to discuss the resilience of most emerging markets to tightening financial conditions, as well as the implications for reform prospects in lower-income countries.​
August 17th 2022 (14.20 mins)
In this episode of Emerging Markets Decoded, Ada Li and Roxana Munoz of the Infrastructure and Project Finance team join host Thaddeus Best to discuss how climate change is undermining green and conventional power generation. ​
August 3rd 2022 (14.27 mins)
In this episode of Emerging Markets Decoded, Leroy Terrelonge of the Cyber Risk team and Gabriel Torres of the Sovereign team join host Shirin Mohammadi to discuss rising cyber risks for emerging markets and recent attacks on Costa Rica’s government.
JULY 2022
July 20th 2022 (15.10 mins)
In this episode of Emerging Markets Decoded, Renzo Merino of the Sovereign team and Nymia Almeida of the Corporates team join host Ariane Ortiz-Bollin to discuss the recent rating downgrades of the Mexican sovereign and state-owned oil company.​
JULY 2022
July 6th 2022 (17.34 mins)
In this episode of Emerging Markets Decoded, Martin Petch of the Sovereign team and Franco Leung of the Corporates team join host Thaddeus Best to discuss the implications of China’s property sector stress and economic slowdown for global growth.
JUNE 2022
June 15th 2022 (16.51 mins)
Analysts Renzo Merino and Nymia Almeida join host Ariane Ortiz-Bollin to discuss the policy proposals of the candidates vying to be Colombia’s next president and how rising social risks may lead to policy changes with important credit implications.
JUNE 2022
June 2nd 2022 (13 mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks – Emerging Markets Decoded, Ariane Ortiz-Bollin of the Global Emerging Markets team joins host Thaddeus Best to discuss key takeaways from Moody’s recent Global Emerging Markets Summit. Plus, Rachel Chua of the Corporates team reveals which emerging market companies are most exposed to spillovers from the Russia-Ukraine military conflict, and which stand to benefit.​
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