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Moody's Talks - The Big Picture

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September 20th 2022 (22.36 mins)
More than two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many US office workers still are not back at their desks, as many have embraced work-from-home and other flexible work arrangements. How are commercial property owners, lenders and local governments adapting, and what does this mean for creditworthiness? What will it take to draw more workers back to the office? And how do the evolving workplace trends in the US compare with those in other parts of the world?
JUNE 2022
June 14th 2022 (20.41 mins)
On this episode of Moody’s Talks – The Big Picture, analysts Madhavi Bokil and Christina Padgett join host Jennifer Wong to analyze the state of the global economy and how uncertain macro dynamics are affecting corporate borrowers.​
MAY 2022
May 24th 2022 (17.12 mins)
Jim Hempstead of the Cyber Risk team and Sarah Hibler of the Financial Institutions team join host William Foster to discuss how cybersecurity risk is evolving in novel ways, with growing potential to cause significant economic disruption and financial losses as hackers become more sophisticated.​
MAY 2022
May 3rd 2022 (23.48 mins)
Rahul Ghosh of the ESG team and Douglas Segars of the Project & Infrastructure Finance Group join host Sarah Carlson to discuss how Russia's invasion of Ukraine has pushed the issue of energy security to the top of the policy agenda in Europe and what effect it will have on the region's far-reaching decarbonization plans.​
APRIL 2022
April 12th 2022 (12.36 mins)
Soaring food and energy prices, exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are stoking inflation and reducing households’ purchasing power in many countries. How are governments and companies trying to address affordability concerns, particularly for the poorest members of society? What will be the impact on consumption and economic growth? And what role might diminished living standards play in fomenting social and political risks?
MARCH 2022
March 22nd 2022 (25.17 mins)
On this episode, a panel of Moody’s Investors Service analysts provide perspective on how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is fomenting new risks for the global economy and broader international relations. They discuss the effects of higher oil and food prices, the growing number of refugees and rising cybersecurity threats.
MARCH 2022
March 8th 2022 (23.52 mins)
Soaring commodities prices in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine are raising new questions about where inflation is headed, and how central banks will try to tame it. Atsi Sheth of the Credit Strategy & Research team and Nick Hill of the Financial Institutions Group join host Sarah Carlson to assess what's next.
February 8th 2022 (22.08 mins)
Gene Fang of the Sovereign and Sub-Sovereign team and Michael Taylor of the Credit Strategy & Research team assess why China’s economy is losing momentum and the policy trade-offs that the government is now confronting in its quest for more sustainable long-term growth.​​​
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