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Moody’s Talks - Muniland
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September 15th 2022 (18.05 mins)
​​With flush rainy day funds and flexibility to cut costs, states are poised to avoid credit stress if a severe economic tailspin or even a recession takes hold. Plus, housing finance agencies’ credit quality remains strong, but the HFAs face challenges in the current economic environment.
August 11th 2022 (14.27 mins)
Dan Kowalski and Tom Aaron of the US Public Finance team discuss how inflation will heighten personnel costs for some states and municipalities. Plus, Emily Raimes delves into credit risks as peak hurricane season arrives amid the inflation spike. ​​
JULY 2022
July 14th 2022 (16.40 mins)
Doug Goldmacher from the US Public Finance team discusses how inflation is boosting state and local governments’ sales tax revenue. Plus, Marcia Van Wagner comments on today’s inflationary environment versus the turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s.
JUNE 2022
June 9th 2022 (15.52 mins)
Greg Sobel and Michael Osborn of the US Public Finance team discuss how digital currencies provide states and local governments with a means to collect taxes and utility fees, while universities are receiving tuition payments and donations in crypto form. Plus, Greg and Baye Larsen weigh in on state efforts to ban their municipalities from making ransom payments after a cyberattack.​​​
MAY 2022
May 12th 2022 (15.24 mins)
Recovery patterns in Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy-like case resemble large municipal bankruptcies such as Detroit. Also, flood risks threaten to weaken some cities’ property tax bases, increase the need for infrastructure investment and disrupt the economy.
APRIL 2022
April 14th 2022 (17.05 mins)
Susan Fitzgerald and Chris Collins of the US Public Finance team discuss enrollment and other revenue challenges affecting higher education. Plus, Ted Hampton discusses how gas tax suspensions will affect states’ capacity to pay debt on bonds backed in large part by the suspended taxes.
MARCH 2022
March 10th 2022 (19.49 mins)
Tom Aaron of the US Public Finance team and Madhavi Bokil of the Credit Strategy and Research team examine why states, local governments and other public finance issuers are generally positioned to withstand moderately rising inflation. Plus, Chris Yared and Michael Wertz discuss to what extent federal infrastructure funding will address the 44,000 US bridges in poor condition.
February 10th 2022 (18.22 mins)
Nansis Hayek and Matt Cahill of the US Public Finance team discuss how the pandemic-driven telehealth surge is helping the challenged healthcare sector. Plus, analysts Baye Larsen and Ted Hampton explain how manufacturing computer chips in Ohio and electric vehicles in Michigan will help the Rust Belt.
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