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Moody’s Talks – Global Credit Podcast

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APRIL 2021
April 29th 2021 (12.06 mins)
Rebecca Karnovitz of the Credit Strategy & Research team and William Foster of the Sovereign team join host Robard Williams to discuss the implications of the Biden administration’s economic, social and environmental policies on the credit environment for public and private-sector debt issuers. ​​​
APRIL 2021
April 20th 2021 (8.10 mins)
Laura Perez-Martinez of the Credit Strategy & Research team and research writer Richard Barley discuss the growing number of distressed companies throughout Europe and what this trend means for the region’s economy, the effects on the wider corporate landscape and for other sectors.​
October 8, 2020 (7.50 mins)
Atsi Sheth and Robard Williams from the Credit Strategy & Research team discuss the credit effects of key policy challenges that will confront the next US presidential administration, and the uncertainties surrounding the election.
September 23, 2020 (7.05 mins)
Atsi Sheth and Rahul Ghosh of the Credit Strategy & Research team discuss how credit conditions will remain difficult for the sectors hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic and global economic downturn. An economic recovery has begun but will likely be uneven, presenting a challenging operating environment for hotels and gaming, transportation, airlines, retail and commercial real estate.
JULY 2020
July 10 2020 (11.02 mins)
Leroy Terrelonge of the Cyber Risk group and Bill Foster of the Sovereign team discuss the rising cybersecurity risks related to elections, as voting and vote tallying become more digitized in many countries.​​
JUNE 2020
June 23rd 2020 (9.57mins)
Michael Taylor and Laura Perez Martinez of the Credit Strategy & Research team join host Rahul Ghosh to discuss the factors that will shape the global credit environment once the coronavirus crisis recedes. While much remains unclear, the pandemic will likely accelerate ongoing changes in how consumers, businesses, governments and societies operate. ​​
APRIL 2020
April 14, 2020 (5.51 mins)
Robard Williams and Swami Venkataraman discuss their review of Moody's private-sector rating actions that cited ESG risks as material credit consideration. 
MARCH 2020
March 12, 2020 (7.10mins)
James Leaton and Khalid Husain of the ESG team discuss how we use scenario analyses to assess the credit implications of carbon transition and physical climate risks. ​​​​
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