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Moody’s Talks – Corporate Finance Podcast
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February 19th 2019 (5.40 mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks, Vincent Gusdorf, Vice-President Senior Analyst, European retailers, and Marina Albo, Managing Director, EMEA Corporate Finance, discuss retailer investment in innovation as an attempt to sustainably improve credit quality. Looking into customer demand and shopping habits, Vincent and Marina explore traditional retail outlets, online marketplaces, and the impact of artificial intelligence.​
February 25, 2019 (4.28mins)
In this episode of Moody's talks, Anke Rindermann, Associate Managing Director within EMEA Coporate Finance, and Ramzi Kattan, VP-Senior Analyst covering European real estate, discuss the expected stability of issuers across Europe during an advantageous property market environment. They further delve into the effect rising interest rates and quantitative tightening have on the sector, and potential vulnerabilites across the region.​​​​
February 22, 2019 (5.12mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks, Singapore-based Managing Director for Credit Strategy Michael Taylor and Vice President-Senior Credit Officer Martin Petch discuss the credit implications of China’s commitments to the US on trade and on creating level playing fields for foreign companies. ​​
February 14, 2019(5.34mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks, Sharon Ou, a Vice President in the Credit Strategy and Standards Group, and Joyce Jiang, an Associate Analyst in the group, discuss the credit performance and default rates of nonfinancial companies in emerging markets. In addition to firm-specific factors, developments at the country level affect emerging market corporate default rates. Amid rising credit challenges, countries with structural weakness and less-strong financial metrics in the corporate sector will show greater vulnerability.​
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