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Moody's Talks - Emerging Markets Decoded
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February 16, 2022 (19.34 mins)
In this episode of Moody’s Talks – Emerging Markets Decoded, Evan Wohlmann and Petter Bryman of the Sovereign team, and Olga Ulyanova of the Financial Institutions team join host Thaddeus Best to discuss the credit implications of rising tensions between Western countries and Russia over the latter’s military buildup on its border with Ukraine. ​
February 2, 2022 (18.54 mins)
In this episode of Emerging Markets Decoded, Thaddeus Best from the Credit Strategy and Research team and Alexander Perjessy of the Sovereign team join host Ariane Ortiz-Bollin to discuss the credit implications of the decline in foreign direct investment flows across emerging markets. Plus, they discuss how growing global commitments to carbon transition will increase credit risks for hydrocarbon-reliant sovereigns.​
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