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Moody’s Talks – Bank Credit Podcast

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November 27th 2018 (9.49mins)
In this episode of Moody’s bank credit podcast, Laurie Mayers, Associate Managing Director for Global Investment Banks (GIBs), and Michael Rohr, Vice President – Senior Credit Officer and lead analyst for several European GIBs, discuss Moody’s view of the challenges, and advantages, GIBs have competing in an increasingly digital financial services marketplace. Laurie and Michael first place the fintech challenge in the context of a broader evolution of bank business models. They then discuss the GIBs’ natural strengths of scale and deep capital resources, underscoring the importance of an agile digital strategy in channeling these strengths to their full advantage. They then close with a quick survey of which GIB business lines are most defensible and most at risk from digital disruption by new entrants.​​