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Moody’s Talks: KYC Decoded

Episode 27
March 23, 2023

The ABCs of CTA

The US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is coming. It aims to create a national registry of beneficial ownership information. But what exactly does this mean? How will it change the fight against financial crime in the US and beyond? What hurdles need to be overcome? What questions are still unanswered? How can the public voice concerns?

In this episode of KYC Decoded, Alex Pillow is joined by lawyer, AML practitioner, thought leader, and current founder and principal of RegTech Consulting, LLC, Jim Richards, and former practitioner and current Moody’s KYC Industry Practice Lead Jill DeWitt. Their conversation explores these questions, and more.

After listening to this episode, be sure to check out the recommended resources discussed for further learning:

And make sure to visit the Moody's KYC website, where you can find even more information about beneficial ownership and customer due diligence.