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Moody’s Talks – Structured Finance Podcast
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MAY 2018
May 22, 2018 (6.37mins)
In the latest episode of Moody’s Talks Structured Finance, Tracy Rice, a Senior Credit Officer on the US Corporate asset-backed securities team and Gideon Lubin, a lead analyst on the team, discuss how wireless tower ABS transactions and Sprint’s spectrum transaction are used to finance the infrastructure that enables mobile communication. Furthermore, they delve into how these asset classes would be affected by the proposed merger between T-Mobile and Sprint. ​​​​​​​​
MAY 2018
May 17, 2018 5.20 mins
In this edition of Moody’s Talks…Structured Finance, Senior Vice President Nicky Dang and Vice President Peter McNally discuss key features of the US credit card ABS market, focusing on the major transaction sponsors and the credit characteristics of the receivables backing the transactions. ​​​
MAY 2018
May 7 2018 6.10mins
​​In this edition of Moody’s Talks…Structured Finance, analysts from our REIT team, Lori Marks and Griselda Bisono, discuss how high levels of apartment supply will affect the credit quality of multifamily REITs. This podcast focuses on the drivers of slower NOI growth, which markets are most affected by higher supply and why Moody’s believes the credit profiles of the multifamily REITs we rate are well insulated from these challenges.​​​
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