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Moody’s Talks – Structured Finance Podcast
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JULY 2020
July 23rd 2020 (7.05 mins)
Simon Tse and Silvia Baumann from the Structured Finance team discuss the benefits of non-bank lending in Europe and the credit implications for both small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and securitised transactions.​
JULY 2020
July 15, 2020 (12.40 mins)
Kevin Fagan and Blair Coulson from our Structured Finance team discuss the future of office usage in the US amid the fallout from coronavirus and its implications for commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS). ​​
JULY 2020
July 15th 2020 (8.53mins)
Jody Shenn and Anthony Parry from the Structured Finance team discuss how COVID-19 will cause a paradigm shift for key credit risk components and drivers of the global structured finance market.
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