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Moody’s Talks – Structured Finance Podcast
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JUNE 2018
June 25th 2018 (6.42 mins)
In the next instalment of our podcast series on the UK consumer, analysts from our EMEA structured finance team, Greg O’Reilly and Greg Davies, discuss The Open Banking initiative, which went live in January 2018 and requires the United Kingdom's nine largest providers of current accounts to share their customer data with third parties, subject to client consent.

The greater accessibility of data will improve consumer credit assessments and loan pricing, consumers’ ability to manage their finances and offer opportunities to Fintech companies eager to expand. However, there are negative implications, including the prospect of higher consumer leverage.
JUNE 2018
June 20th 2018 (5.50 mins)
In this episode of Moody's Talks Structured Finance, Marie Lam, Associate Managing Director,  and Joe Wong, a Vice President, Senior Analyst, discuss how rising and high household debt levels, mainly in the form of mortgage loans, pose a risk to the RMBS, ABS and covered bond securitizations that Moody's rates. They also outline what measures the authorities in Australia, New Zealand, Korea and China  have imposed to rein in the household debt levels.​​​​
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