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Moody’s Talks – Focus on Finance Podcast
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October 20th 2021 (18.06 mins)
Michael Dion of the Insurance team explains why demand has increased for cyber insurance, and tells us how insurers are responding to higher losses and which cyber risks seem uninsurable. Plus, Inna Bodeck of the Banking team discusses what accelerating sales of alternative fuel vehicles worldwide will mean for the credit quality of specialized companies that finance loans and leases on behalf of automakers. ​
October 13th 2021 (16.50 mins)
Ahead of the COP 26 conference in Glasgow, analysts Lev Dorf, Brandan Holmes and Vanessa Robert explain why banks, insurance companies and asset managers are under pressure to reduce exposure to carbon-intensive industries. Indeed Moody's has estimated that G20 financial institutions are exposed to carbon transtion risk to the tune of $22 trillion. However, financial institutions will need to play a vital role in financing the shift to net zero, and in this epsiode our analysts discuss what new areas of economic growth are emerging. ​
October 6th 2021 (20.15 mins)
Peter Nerby, Olivier Panis and Shunsaku Sato explain how global systemically important banks are faring as the pandemic starts to recede. Dean Ungar discusses the implications for US health insurers should the Medicare hospital insurance trust fund run out of money. And David Yin tells us how a recent cryptocurrency ban in China is positive for financial institutions.​​​​
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